Friday, January 1, 2016

Reasoning for A Simpler Life

     You have probably just got done reading the title of this blog and are wondering to yourself has this guy lost his mind or is he up to something that could be useful in your life. Either way that you look at this blog this is basically just a personal journey to find a more meaningful life away from the hustle and bustle of today's got to have this now and have to have it in the quickest way possible.  Now I am not saying that technology is a bad thing lets face it the world basically in given terms revolves around it.  Who has the fastest computer, cell phone, internet and fastest growing bank account.
     I first had the idea for making a simpler less technological life for myself when my wife and I went to Thayne, Wyoming for our honeymoon last year.  Life as we seen it was a little bit different there.  Shops opened up around 10:30 in the morning compared to where we live in Texas at 8:00.  Everybody had a smile on their face and many times we heard the same saying over and over again.  "We do things a little bit different here."  It stuck with me all the way up till about the holidays when I finally said "Enough!"  Working weeks on end away from home, days without sleep working alone on a rig while my partner was at another rig setting that up.  I had basically had enough when the year end payroll check came in and the year to date income was only $28,000.  $28,000 for a whole year are you kidding me!
     New Years night came along and everybody I know was making their New Years resolutions.  "I want to be a better man.  I want to make more money next year.  I want to find someone to live the rest of my life with."  We've all heard them and we have all tried to stick by them but this year at 12:00 I told myself I want to do what I want to do.  Not to hard to stick with that is it.  Well I guess we will see in the post throughout the year of how this goes.
     I guess you could say the main reasoning behind all of this is dependence.  We are so dependent on technology and money now and days to live it has almost come to nothing.  Their is no personal space for anyone now and days.  You've all seen the social media sites I am sure where everyone is in somebodies business and the he said she said is so close that it is almost unbareable.  The first step I can see to start out with is to make a plan for less dependence on the outside world.  Not to become a hobbit or hermit but just a simpler meaningful life.  Below I have listed the steps at which I plan to take in the following months to insure that if anything goes right I will at least have a plan of action to look forward to.

Simple Plan
  1. Get rid of everything that you don't use at least twice a year.
  2. List common vegetables that you use on a daily basis for growing.
  3. Start hunting again
  4. Start fishing again
  5. Turn off or ignor all social media sites
  6. Look into ways of building your own energy sources
  7. Enjoy what you have around you (Not the T.V.)
  8. Find ways to generate income on the land
These are just some of the ideas behind the plan to make life less dependent on big business and more on my families personal welfare.  So whether or not you like this plan this is what I am sticking to throughout the year.  I hope you find our journey enjoyable in all of the ups and downs that we will have and if you decide to try the same realise that you are not the only person to try this yourself.  Thank you for reading and I hope soon to write to yall again when I get off of this blasted rig.

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